Want to campaign for your favorite candidate, but don’t like talking on the phone? Text banking allows you to contact dozens upon dozens of voters in a ridiculously short time.
With most text banking you will not use your number or even necessarily your phone. Once you’re set up with a program like ThruText or Hustle, log in and send texts quickly. Everything’s scripted, including common replies. It’s text telemarketing for the good guys–fast, easy, and fun.
Write us for help getting started with text banking or jump in here via Mobilize or with one of these organizations:
ACLU People Power (peoplepower.org)
The DNC (democrats.org)
Field Team 6 (fieldteam6.org)
Move On Text Team (moveon.org)
Movement Labs (movementlabs.com)
NextGen America (nextgenamerica.org)
Open Progress Text Troop (openprogress.com)
Rapid Resist (rapidresist.org)
Red2Blue (red2blue.co)